
We educate you before your purchase and support you after the purchase.

Before Your Purchase

Photobiomodulation also known as Light Therapy and Laser Therapy is a vast field of knowledge that grows every year. There are thousands of studies that have examined the effect of light on animals and humans. You can read about them in our Ebooks, Research Section, Blog and Articles.

Fill out the Information Request Form to have your questions answered before the purchase.

After Your Purchase


Fill out our Customer Service Request form to ask us questions about your treatment protocols, how to use the pads and controllers and more. Energia Medical is here to help you for as long as you own your pads and controllers.

Healthcare Provider

Energia Medical wants you to be successful with your Light Therapy whether you treat in office, rent to patients, sell to patients for at home treatments or all three. We provide you with an Installation Package full of useful resources. The educational and marketing materials help you jumpstart your Light Therapy program.

Marketing Support For
Healthcare Providers

Patient Brochure

Press Release

Posters for treatment and waiting rooms

Newsletter to share with patients

By-Line Article explaining Light Therapy that you can publish

Letter to Providers in your area announcing your Light Therapy capabilities

Blog Posts for your website

Social Media Posts

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